
Emil Chan 陳家豪
5 min readJul 23, 2021

比較年長的朋友,可會發現珠江新城今日比西九龍規模有過之而無不及而後悔錯了廣州天河發展的機遇? 你有聽過「寧要浦西一張床,也不要浦東一套房」嗎? 相信這謬誤的也一樣後悔莫及。25年前有到過當年的深圳南山嗎?這大片土地以前衹是泥灘、一些山寨工廠甚至是堆爛鐵的倉庫。今日多家深圳南山高新科技園區孕育出來的公司在股票市場的排名已經超越香港的傳統龍頭企業。有的甚至被美國政治人物利用來箍票,形容為魔鬼企業云云。

與其死守在香港這個彈丸之地,不如學習當年的英國,目前瑞士及新加坡利用自身的優勢參與其他新世界的發展吧。 錯過了廣州天河、上海浦東新區、深圳南山又如何?年輕及有魄力的新一代,目前正參考著香港聞名遐邇的自由經濟的海南自貿港才剛起步發展。還未有機會深入瞭解的朋友們,在國家的「新基建」、「新政策」、市場正高速發展的「新零售」、疫情過後的「新常態」下,「新一代」的你可會參考過去多次的經濟發展格局,摸出最適合你參與的發展模式嗎?

Attention: The next windfall is the "Hainan Free Trade Port".

Older friends, would have found that Zhujiang New Town today is more than the scale of West Kowloon and regret that they missed the opportunity take part in the development of Tianhe in Guangzhou. Have you ever heard of the saying "I’d rather have a bed in Puxi than a suite in Pudong"? Have you ever been to Nanshan, Shenzhen 25 years ago? The land used to be just a mud beach, some cottage factories and even warehouses where iron was piled up. Today, many of the companies that emerged from the Nanshan Hi-Tech Park in Shenzhen have surpassed the traditional leaders in Hong Kong in the stock market rankings. Some of them are even used by American politicians to hoard votes, describing them as devilish enterprises. Instead of sticking to Hong Kong, which is restricted by its size, we should learn from the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Singapore to participate in the development of other new worlds for their own advantages. So what if we miss out on Tianhe in Guangzhou, Pudong in Shanghai and Nanshan in Shenzhen? The young and energetic generation is now taking reference from Hong Kong’s famous free economy, Hainan Free Trade Port, which is just starting to develop. For those of you who have not yet had the opportunity to learn more about the country’s "new infrastructure", "new policies", "new retail", and the "new normal" after the epidemic, will you, the "new generation", look at the past economic development patterns and figure out the most suitable development model for you to participate in?

English version is translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) and revised by Emil Chan



Emil Chan 陳家豪

以「還俗IT人」自居。香港金融科技革命「吹哨人」。主要工作除了擔任金融科技初創企業顧問外,也是香港城市大學、香港理工大學、香港大學、嶺南大學等知名商學院之特約教授及客席講師,積極透過教育推動本地及大灣區金融科技及智慧城市發展。 放下幾十年編寫電腦程式的鍵盤後近年重新以此寫作。以「但憑愚公志,復我獅山茂」為工作目標。