What Biden’s Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets Tells Us About the Future of Hong Kong
當一向缺乏前瞻性的香港政府、媒體及一般市民仍然集中精力在對抗病毒及救亡之際,昨天美國已經啟動央行數字貨幣的發展工作了。 這代表了什麼?仍然依賴填form、查驗證件、簽名、大量使用郵政、fax、審計、律師、中介、傳統銀行及交易所的亞太金融中心的地位隨時煙消飛滅。再一次要面對沒有做好適當準備而做成的嚴重打擊。
疫情是一面照妖鏡。 過去兩年,政府沒有正視安心出行實名及設立中央數據庫的重要性而引致 Omicron 病毒爆發初期無法做好跟蹤。再加上沒有做好宣傳及立法工作軟硬兼施提高護老院友的接受注射比例做成的後果不需我再多講了。缺乏危機感是香港的死結。 溫水煮青蛙故事的現實版情節每天也在身邊發生。
下一個巨浪已經來勢洶洶,你做好準備工作了沒有?什麼是央行數字貨幣和數字資產? 你能搞清楚他們的關係嗎?
While the Hong Kong government, the media and the general public are still focused on fighting the virus and saving lives, the local media almost ignored that news that U.S. launched the development of a central bank digital currency yesterday. What does this mean to us? The so called Asia-Pacific financial center that still relies on filling out forms, checking printed documents, signing autographs, heavy use of postal service, fax, audits, lawyers, intermediaries, traditional banks and exchanges could be displaced, diminished and disintermediated. I must emphasise once again that we are still haven’t buckled up to brace for the tsunami!
The epidemic is a demon mirror. In the past two years, the government failed to address the importance of real name authentication and connect the system with a central database for the LeaveHomeSafe app, which led to a failure to track the Omicron virus in the early stages of the outbreak. I do not need to elaborate on the consequences of not doing a good job in publicity and legislation to increase the proportion of nursing home residents receiving injections. The lack of a sense of crisis is a dead end for Hong Kong. The real-life version of the story of the frog boiled in warm water is happening around us every day.
The tsunami is coming, are you aware for it? Do you know what are Central Bank Digital Currency and Digital Assets? Can you figure out how they relate to each other?