迎接新金融產品 監管分工須配合 The Regulatory Division Needs to Match the New Financial Products

Emil Chan 陳家豪
4 min readDec 7, 2022


香港金融科技周數字化趨勢下的投資策略講座後記 Post Talk on Investment Strategies under the Digital Trend of The Hong Kong Fintech Week Satellite Event


摸着石頭過河 參與元宇宙虛擬資產交易

首輪專題討論「擁抱Web 3.0年代下的投資策略和風投趨勢」由註冊財務策劃師協會會長黃敏碩主持,分享專家包括意博金融(VSFG)投資總監陳裕楷、STEPN顧問鄧志遠、Asymmetry Capital 創辦人黃一哲及Gusto Collective市場總監郁加欣。幾位專家特別關心的議題當然是政府橫空推出支持數字資產交易「救市」的宣言。 古往今來,受人尊重之智者皆有「聞過則喜」的高風亮節,「知過不諱」的坦蕩胸襟及「改過不憚」的知恥後勇。 一旦虛擬資產交易變成主流化,專家建議投資元宇宙及Web 3領域必須注重項目的核心能力及基礎建設應用而不是發行的虛擬貨幣本身的價值。另外大家也注意到政府愈來愈支持本土企業。雖然過去推出的政策並不理想,業界對香港能否再次成為區內以人才、融資及法規取勝的虛擬資產交易中心仍具信心。元宇宙發展仍然在起動階段,幾位專家也同意,需以摸着石頭過河的態度參與其中,否則等到完全成熟的時候才追落後就來得太遲。

港須敏銳市場觸覺 應對急速變化

壓軸的專題討論主題是由筆者主持的「央行數字貨幣會加速數字化轉型」。分享的專家包括香港數字金融協會聯席會長劉業民,華泰金融控股(香港)網絡金融,零售及私人財富管理合規主管兼香港金融科技協會董事會成員李嘉明,香港互聯網金融協會會長兼Banking Circle大中華區總經理李國樑,以及Gilt Chambers大律師兼前私隱專員黃繼兒。




{Ming Pao Daily News} The Association of Certified Financial Planners and the Association of Cloud and Mobile Computing Professionals hold annual seminars during the Hong Kong Fintech Week to invite industry leaders in both financial and technology disciplines to exchange ideas with each other. The seminar titled "Investment Strategies in the Face of Digitalization" attracted more than 120 participants from the industry, both online and offline. This year’s seminar was held during the Hong Kong FinTech Week, a high-profile event that announced Hong Kong’s commitment to embrace virtual assets and build Hong Kong into a future global virtual asset trading hub, at a time when Hong Kong is facing negative factors in terms of talent, corporate, capital and stock market weakness.

Participating in virtual asset trading in the Metaverse with a “Crossing the river by touching the stones” Attitude

The first round of panel discussion, "Investment Strategies and Venture Capital Trends in the Age of Web 3.0", was moderated by Mr. Michael Wong, President of the Society of Certified Financial Planners, with panelists including Brian Chan, Director of Investment at VSFG; Mr. Rico Tang, Consultant at STEPN; Mr. Ray Wong, Founder of Asymmetry Capital; and Ms. Caroline York, Director of Marketing at Gusto Collective. The topic of particular interest to the experts was of course the government’s announcement to support digital asset trading. Throughout history, wise men and women have been respected for their courage and courage to "learn from their mistakes", their open-mindedness and their courage to "correct their mistakes". Once virtual asset trading becomes mainstream, experts suggest that investments in the metaverse and Web 3 sectors should focus on the core competencies and infrastructure applications of the project rather than the value of the virtual currency issued itself. It is also noted that the government is becoming more and more supportive of local enterprises. Although the policies introduced in the past are not ideal, the industry is still confident that Hong Kong can once again become a regional hub for virtual asset trading with talent, financing and regulations. The development of the metaverse is still in its infancy, and several experts agree that it is important to take a hands-on approach to the process, otherwise it will be too late to catch up until it is fully mature.

Hong Kong needs to be sensitive to the market sense to cope with rapid changes

The topic of the 2nd panel discussion was "Central Bank Digital Currency will accelerate the digital transformation", which was moderated by the author. The panelists included Mr. Edmond Lau, Co-Chair of Hong Kong Digital Finance Association; Ms. Irene Lee, Head of Retail, Fintech and Private Wealth Management Compliance of Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) and Board Member of Hong Kong Fintech Association; Mr. Paul Li, President of Hong Kong Internet Finance Association and General Manager — Greater China of Banking Circle; and Mr. Stephen Wong, Barrister of Gilt Chambers and former Privacy Commissioner.

The discussion brought out several issues that are worthy of further exploration. One is that Hong Kong needs to continue to play its role as an international financial center by actively developing the implementation of mCBDC’s cross-border payment system to increase its core competitiveness. Secondly, Hong Kong must integrate multiple resources to build digital infrastructure, nurture relevant talents, and implement a series of related work such as personal data protection and compliance. Otherwise, there are new policies on the top, but no countermeasures on the bottom. Thirdly, the panelists mentioned the opportunities and challenges of the central bank’s digital currency for Hong Kong and the lack of an effective interaction channel between the government and the industry. The division of labor between regulators is based on traditional financial product categories, but new financial products often cross traditional categories, resulting in a regulatory lag that is more serious than in other financial centers.

Whether Hong Kong can leapfrog with the launch of eCNY and eHKD and rely on digital transformation, Irene Lee, who is solid in Chinese literature, encouraged us to use our keen eyes to pay attention to fintech-related industry information and local government policy initiatives with a excerpt of a Chinese poem to conclude the session.



Emil Chan 陳家豪
Emil Chan 陳家豪

Written by Emil Chan 陳家豪

以「還俗IT人」自居。香港金融科技革命「吹哨人」。主要工作除了擔任金融科技初創企業顧問外,也是香港城市大學、香港理工大學、香港大學、嶺南大學等知名商學院之特約教授及客席講師,積極透過教育推動本地及大灣區金融科技及智慧城市發展。 放下幾十年編寫電腦程式的鍵盤後近年重新以此寫作。以「但憑愚公志,復我獅山茂」為工作目標。

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