The implication for Hong Kong of the technology KPIs set by the “two meetings”

Emil Chan 陳家豪
2 min readMar 11, 2022


單單一個「手機警報嚇萬民」就揭露了香港的施政完全缺乏大方向及實施策略。 是時候參考其他先進城市的做法。 新加坡、瑞士、甚至愛沙尼亞的做法及分工是怎樣?

要融入大灣區,也應該參考中央的模式。 最簡單可以看到的就是先有五年計畫去制定戰略目標,再有兩會釐定KPI,再由地方政府以框架內發揮。 慨歎香港過去十多年由公務員主導的做法,無論結構、分工及執行也比不上很多第三世界國家。


The Hong Kong Health Bureau’s misuse of cellphone incident alerts to scare mass citizen incident has clearly reveals that the complete lack of a general direction and implementation strategy for Hong Kong’s governance. It is time to learn from the practices of other advanced cities. What are the practices and governmental authorities and responsibilities in Singapore, Switzerland, and even Estonia?

In order to integrate Hong Kong into the Greater Bay Area to improve Hong Kong’s weakening competitiveness, we should also take reference to the Central Government’s model. The simplest way to see this is to have a five-year plan to guide the development direction and framework, followed by the ‘Two Meetings’ to set KPIs, and then the local government to play within the framework.

I lament the fact that Hong Kong’s civil-servant-led approach over the past decades has been inferior to that of many third world countries in terms of structure, division of authority and implementation. The epidemic has revealed the serious shortcomings of the current structure. The so-called "proven process" is no longer a shield for the civil servants to avoid changes. Does Hong Kong have the ability to reach the KPIs of the technological lead initiative set by the ‘Two Meetings’ of the Central Government?



Emil Chan 陳家豪
Emil Chan 陳家豪

Written by Emil Chan 陳家豪

以「還俗IT人」自居。香港金融科技革命「吹哨人」。主要工作除了擔任金融科技初創企業顧問外,也是香港城市大學、香港理工大學、香港大學、嶺南大學等知名商學院之特約教授及客席講師,積極透過教育推動本地及大灣區金融科技及智慧城市發展。 放下幾十年編寫電腦程式的鍵盤後近年重新以此寫作。以「但憑愚公志,復我獅山茂」為工作目標。

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