停課不停學 不停教科研
Suspension of classes without suspending schools and researches

Emil Chan 陳家豪
2 min readJun 1, 2022



例如阿里雲就一直在內地提供現代化教學數字基礎建設。過去幾個月,阿里雲也為香港的大專院校界提供了免費的雲資源,讓大家在疫情期間可如往常一樣安心開展教學和科研工作。教職員及研究人員可以免費使用雲上遙距文檔共享神器 FileCloud 的 500 GB 容量,同時大專院校的學生也能享有免費的雲端伺服器。



After leaving the banking industry where I have served for many years, I have been involved in education in the region for the past 12 years in various roles. I have been involved from time to time in corporate training, university and even secondary school teaching in locally in Hong Kong, the Mainland and even in the Asia Pacific region. Moreover, I have been a judge for a number of academic innovation competitions. Fortunately, thanks to the timely support of our technology partners, we have been able to “suspend classes without stopping learning and teaching without stopping research”.

For example, Alibaba Cloud has been providing modern digital infrastructure for teaching in the Mainland. In the past few months, Alibaba Cloud also provided free cloud resources to the university community in Hong Kong so that they can continue their teaching and research work as usual during the epidemic. Faculty, staff and researchers can use the 500 GB capacity of FileCloud, a remote file-sharing tool on the cloud, for free, while students of tertiary institutions can also enjoy free cloud servers.

While the efforts of science companies have mitigated the negative effects of the epidemic, I am encouraged by the growing acceptance of the use of technology and online education in the academic community. In the traditional education sector, Hong Kong students have always performed well in academic research and achievement. However, as the contemporary economy becomes increasingly digital, it is easy for me to see that there is still much room for improvement in the performance of Hong Kong’s academic community in terms of participation in international competitions, commercialization of university research projects, and matching the skills of students to the needs of the business community during this decade. The epidemic of the past few years has been a catalyst for the accelerated digitalization of our society, and I am eagerly awaiting the resumption of all activities so that the Hong Kong academic community can redouble its efforts to catch up as soon as possible!

From my observation, Hong Kong needs to use modern digital infrastructure to restructure the local information education ecosystem as soon as possible, and to integrate the cloud computing technology, which is already widely used in the business world, to bring convenience to universities, secondary schools and even elementary school students and teachers. You should know that learning programming and training logical thinking is like learning foreign languages, music or even sports, the earlier you get in touch with it, the better the benefits will be. We hope that more partners like Alibaba Cloud will open up quality technology resources to the local education sector in the future, so that teachers and students can work and learn more efficiently in the digital age.



Emil Chan 陳家豪
Emil Chan 陳家豪

Written by Emil Chan 陳家豪

以「還俗IT人」自居。香港金融科技革命「吹哨人」。主要工作除了擔任金融科技初創企業顧問外,也是香港城市大學、香港理工大學、香港大學、嶺南大學等知名商學院之特約教授及客席講師,積極透過教育推動本地及大灣區金融科技及智慧城市發展。 放下幾十年編寫電腦程式的鍵盤後近年重新以此寫作。以「但憑愚公志,復我獅山茂」為工作目標。

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